Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 – 7:00 PM
Click Here for a downloadable municipal directory
(with hours and contact information)
The Select Board meeting for Wednesday sept. 11 has been cancelled.
CLICK HERE to access the public notice regarding the Winter Sand Bid.
CLICK HERE for information in the 2024-2025 Mill Rate and tax year due dates.
The Transfer Station i now CLOSED ON SUNDAYS until the first Sunday in June, 2025.
The Town of Acton is currently accepting resumes for Recreation Director.
CLICK HERE for details
CLICK HERE for a copy of the Job Description
Based on advice from the Town’s Attorney, the Town of Acton has decided to pause enforcement of the mooring ordinance until we can address some potential conflicts with state law.
The ordinance was reviewed with legal counsel prior to the Town voting to adopt it. At the time we believed it was compliant with state law and similar to several ordinances adopted by other municipalities in the state. However, the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife contacted the Town with concerns that certain provisions of the ordinance did not comply with state law.
We have also learned that similar letters were sent to other towns with local mooring ordinances. The Town’s attorney has continued to research this matter, consulting with the Maine Municipal Association, Maine Attorney General’s Office and Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. The consensus is that the if the Town is going to regulate moorings at the local level, the Town would have to implement a permitting system (overseen by the Harbormaster) to allocate moorings to shorefront property owners as well as some non-residents. We have been told this has been a confusing area of the law for many years, and other towns have had difficulties implementing these types of ordinances.
The legislature has also been looking at revising the laws affecting moorings and floating structures. We are looking at possible amendments that would allow the Town to accomplish the goals of the ordinance.
Any questions regarding this decision, should be directed to the Select Board.
Thank you –
Have you ever wondered where the executive session citations come from during the Select Board Meetings? Well, wonder no more. The summarized document linked below is taken directly from the State of Maine Website ( https://legislature.maine.gov/statutes/1/title1sec405.html ):
The town of Acton is pleased to announce that Brandon Mee is our new Animal Control Officer, effective July 1, 2024. Brandon can be reached at 207-206-6065.
The following boards or committees are looking for members. Email the Town Administrator at jroux@actonmaine.org if you are interested.
CLICK HERE to view or download a directory of LOCAL Acton Businesses
CLICK HERE for a list of permitted waster haulers in the Town of Acton
The Town of Acton is soliciting bids for up to 4000 yards of 3/8 inch screened winter sand. Interested bidders must complete the form below and return to the Acton Town Hall, sealed, no later than 4:00 pm on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, Town of Acton, SAND BID, Attn: Town Administrator 35 H Road, Acton, Maine 04001. Bids will not be accepted by the Road Commissioner. CLICK HERE to access the official bidding form