Archived Meetings Link:
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Thursday 12:00 – 7:00 PM
Click Here for a downloadable municipal directory
(with hours and contact information)
CLICK HERE for information
PLEASE NOTE: In observance of Indigenous Peoples Day, the Transfer Station will be CLOSED on Monday, October 14, 2024. Please plan accordingly.
The Town Hall and Transfer Station will close at 3:00pm on Wednesday, October 30th so that staff can attend an A.E.D Training session. The Town of Acton has received a grant for new updated A.E.D.’s to be placed in several Buildings around Town and it’s imperative that staff is property trained. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you.
Absentee Ballots for this November’s (Nov. 5th, 2024) general election are now available in the Town Offices.
For more information on Absentee Voting in Maine, CLICK HERE
CLICK HERE to view the notice regarding application process for General Assistance.
CLICK HERE to view the 2024-2025 Tax Commitment
The Town of Acton has an immediate opening for an Emergency Management Director to manage the communities EMA program.
CLICK HERE to view the Job Posting
Have you ever wondered where the executive session citations come from during the Select Board Meetings? Well, wonder no more. The summarized document linked below is taken directly from the State of Maine Website ( ):
The following boards or committees are looking for members. Email the Town Administrator at if you are interested.
CLICK HERE to view or download a directory of LOCAL Acton Businesses
CLICK HERE for a list of permitted waster haulers in the Town of Acton