Transfer Station CLOSED April 15, 2024More Info

Voter Registrar

Town of Acton – Registrar of Voters:

Jennifer Roux – 636-3131, ext 401 or

Who can register to vote?

You must be 18 years to vote in any election. Residents 17 years of age, who will be turning 18, prior to the election can register to vote.

How do I register to vote?

The State of Maine allows residents to register to vote anytime, including the day of the election. Residents of Acton may register to vote at the Town Hall Clerk’s office at anytime during regular business hours. Proof of residency and proof of identity is required — such as a driver’s license indicating a physical street address in Acton (not a post office box mailing address). If your driver’s license shows a previous address, please bring other documents (checkbook, utility bills, etc.) that show your Acton Street Address.

Residents may also register to vote on Election Day at the polls. To assist us in making the voting process as easy as possible, we ask that you register in advance if at all possible.

If you are currently registered and wish to update any information (such as married name or residence address) that is pertinent to your voting record, please visit the Clerk’s office or mail the new information to Registrar of Voters P.O Box 510 Acton, Maine 04001.

How do I enroll in a political party? How do I change parties?

There are currently three official political parties in the State of Maine – Democrat, Green-Independent, and Republican. Registered voters may enroll in one of these political parties. However, residents who wish to register to vote do not have to select a political party. Voters can be registered to vote, but do not have to be enrolled in a political party. Only voters enrolled in a political party can vote in that party’s primary elections or participate in that party’s caucus. If you are enrolled in a political party and wish to change to a different party, you must make that change at least fifteen (15) days before the primary or party caucus to be eligible to vote or participate. Once enrolled in a party, you must stay in that party for at least three months.

The employees in the Acton Town Clerks Office cannot answer questions for citizens regarding the purposes and objectives of these political parties. Acton voters with questions regarding activities of the local political parties are encouraged to contact their local party chairperson or to click on the following links for additional information about each political party:

Where are elections held?

Elections are held at Acton Town Hall, 35 H Road.

When are elections held?

Municipal election is held each year in June.

State of Maine general and referendum elections are held annually on the Tuesday following the first Monday in November.

The primary election is held on the 2nd Tuesday of June of each general election year.

Absentee Voting

You no longer have to wait and vote on Election Day. The Town offers Absentee ballots which can be picked up at the Town Clerks Office or mailed to you at your request. This allows you vote ahead of time if you are going to be out of town or cannot make it to the polls.

Maine Elections Law – MRSA Title 21A
Candidate Information – Maine Clean Elections Information
Voter Eligibility in Maine – Qualifications (including residency requirements) for registering to vote in Maine – as established by the Maine Constitution and Title 21-A, Maine Election Laws
Your Right to Vote in Maine – The rights of a Maine resident with regards to registering to vote and voting in Statewide Elections
State Election Information Secretary of State – Division of Elections –
Current Statewide Citizen Initiatives and People’s Vetos


Senate District


House District


Congres. District




School Dist/Dept

Acton School Department


41.8 sq miles



Pop. Density

57/sq mile


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N 43:32:01